What We Do

The Classical Teaching Institute at The Ambrose School offers retreats, summer courses, and other resources for classical teachers who want to learn from other classical teachers.

Pedagogical principles and strategies are helpful, but at the end of the day, you need to see someone do it properly. The Institute’s teachers don’t lecture about lecturing or assign reading about classroom practices—they show them. The goal? To give teachers the opportunity to see and learn the tools of good pedagogy in ways that are immediately applicable in their own classrooms.

If you’re interested in learning from an experienced classical teacher, consider joining us for a mid-year retreat or week-long summer course. You can also read the blog, listen to the podcast, join us for the lecture series, or find us at a conference. Scroll down to find out more, and subscribe to the mailing list at the bottom of the page if you would like to stay up-to-date!